sleep Archives - Tybee Acupuncture Cohasset, MA 02025 Tue, 29 Aug 2023 14:51:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Three Reasons to Add Deep Breathing to Your Daily Routine Mon, 18 Sep 2023 15:00:55 +0000

You might think breathing is second nature…you’re doing it right now as you are reading this. Did you know, however, that there are different kinds of breathing and that what is called ‘deep breathing’ can have important health benefits?

Read on to learn three of the most important reasons you should add deep breathing to your daily routine.

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Three Reasons to Add Deep Breathing to Your Daily Routine

You might think breathing is second nature…you’re doing it right now as you are reading this. Did you know, however, that there are different kinds of breathing and that what is called ‘deep breathing’ can have important health benefits?

Read on to learn three of the most important reasons you should add deep breathing to your daily routine.

Manage Anxiety and Depression

Deep breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is also known as the “rest and digest” system. The job of the parasympathetic nervous system is to conserve energy that is then used for bodily functions like digestion and urination. Deep breathing helps to activate the vagus nerve which oversees mood, digestion, and even heart rate. 

Improve Focus and Reduce Stress

As part of my lifestyle recommendations, I always suggest taking a minute to check in with oneself throughout the day, especially in times of stress or when you feel like you can’t focus; it’s a great way to incorporate deep breathing.

Here’s how: 

Your diaphragm is the small muscle just below your lungs. If you breathe correctly, it contracts and moves downward so your lungs expand to take in fresh air. When you exhale, the opposite occurs, and your diaphragm relaxes and slides further up your chest cavity. 

First, put one hand over your heart and one hand on your abdomen. Breathe in through your nose, allowing the air to fill your belly. Notice how the hand on your stomach moves while the hand on your heart doesn’t. Draw your navel toward your spine as you exhale. If it helps, pretend you are blowing out the candles on your birthday cake. Notice how the hand on your stomach slides back to its original position. Repeat these steps three to five times to start paying particular attention to how you feel after each breath.

This process will improve your focus and lower your stress levels the more you incorporate it into your day. Maybe set an alarm on your phone to stop once in the morning, once during lunch and once in the evening to practice deep breathing. 

Improves Sleep

If you find yourself in high stress situations and suffering from anxiety or depression, then you probably aren’t sleeping very well either. Use these steps to slow yourself down before bed to clear your mind and slow your heart rate. Keep a journal once you begin deep breathing regularly and you may notice that the more you do it the better you find yourself sleeping. 

And just like almost everything in life, there is an app for that! There are several apps available to help you manage your breathing. If you own an Apple Watch, you already have access to a breathing app, perfectly named Breathe. The app will check in with you, prompting you to take one-minute breathing breaks and guiding you when to exhale and inhale. There are other apps available so a quick search in your app store will help you find the one that is right for you. 

The best part about incorporating deep breathing into your daily routine is that you can do it anywhere and nobody even realizes that’s what you are doing. When you know you are going to head into a situation that is stressful or gives you anxiety, practice deep breathing ahead of time and during the event. 

Deep breathing is a fantastic tool for your mental health toolbox so take the time to incorporate it into your daily routine and pay attention to how you feel before and after. Adjust how often and what time of day you might practice deep breathing and watch your body and your mind adapt to that increase in oxygen throughout the day.

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8 Benefits of Practicing Regular Meditation Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:00:07 +0000

Meditation has a reputation for several health benefits but here are the top eight reasons establishing a regular meditation routine can improve your overall health and wellbeing.

But first, what is meditation? It is defined as the regular process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts.

Stress Buster

Research proves that meditation can really

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8 Benefits of Practicing Regular Meditation

Meditation has a reputation for several health benefits but here are the top eight reasons establishing a regular meditation routine can improve your overall health and wellbeing.

But first, what is meditation? It is defined as the regular process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts.

Stress Buster

Research proves that meditation can really be a stress reducer. Too much stress in your life can cause sleep issues, depression, anxiety, and even high blood pressure. An 8-week study published in 2013 found that “mindfulness meditation” actually reduced the inflammatory response caused by too much stress.

Reduce Anxiety

As mentioned previously, as stress levels decrease, so does anxiety. A 2014 study examined the transcendental meditation technique and found that it reduced anxiety significantly.
research has found that a variety of techniques can reduce anxiety levels.
It doesn’t matter what technique you try, just get started! 

Emotional Health

After the pandemic, we all know just how important it is to maintain our mental health. Regular meditation has been shown to reduce the symptoms of depression by decreasing the levels of inflammatory chemicals called cytokines, which are released in response to stress. It can also help people experience fewer negative thoughts. 

Improve Attention Span

Studies also show that regular meditation practices can lead to enhanced performance on visual tasks and a great attention span than those who don’t regularly practice meditation.
You don’t need to set a goal of meditating for hours on end; other studies have indicated that even short periods of meditation each day can be a benefit.
One study found that just 13 minutes a day of meditation enhanced attention and memory after just eight weeks.

Reduce Memory Loss

Now that you know that regular meditation can lead to improvements in attention and clarity, you might be happy to hear that both benefits lead to keeping your mind young and healthy overall. 

Studies have found that in addition to fighting the normal age-related memory loss that comes from getting older, meditation can at least partially improve memory in those suffering from dementia. It can also help to control stress and improve coping skills in caregivers.  

Better Sleep 

Healthy sleep patterns lead to a host of health benefits and one study found that people who meditated regularly not only remained asleep for longer periods of time, but also have improved insomnia severity. Meditation can help you relax and release tension, thus placing you in a peaceful state that allows you to fall asleep quickly and more easily. 

Pain Relief 

One review of 38 studies concluded that mindfulness meditation could not only reduce pain, but also improve quality of life, and decrease the symptoms of depression in those suffering from chronic pain. 

Keep Blood Pressure in Check

The dangers of high blood pressure are common knowledge and include heart disease and stroke among other issues. A 2015 meta-analysis of 12 studies with nearly 1,000 participants found that meditation helped to reduce blood pressure. 

The bottom line is that meditation is something that everyone can try to improve their mental and emotional health. You don’t have to have a particular level of athletic ability; it doesn’t require a special location or equipment and you don’t have to buy a membership to a gym to try it. A simple Google or YouTube search can get you started. Trying out a variety of styles to see what might work best for you is a great way to begin your meditation journey!

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Five Benefits of Consistent Acupuncture Treatments Mon, 03 Oct 2022 15:00:27 +0000

In a nutshell, traditional acupuncture, also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, works under the belief that the body is controlled by a flow of energy called qi traveling through pathways in the body that are called meridians. Acupuncturists believe that when these pathways become blocked and the energy can’t flow freely, various health problems begin to appear. 

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Five Benefits of Consistent Acupuncture Treatments

In a nutshell, traditional acupuncture, also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, works under the belief that the body is controlled by a flow of energy called qi traveling through pathways in the body that are called meridians. Acupuncturists believe that when these pathways become blocked and the energy can’t flow freely, various health problems begin to appear. 

According to Pacific College of Health and Science, which houses one of the acupuncture schools here in the U.S., “while some practitioners still follow the traditional philosophy of qi, others have also started incorporating a more integrative approach, supported by research and Western medicine principles. For example, many of today’s acupuncturists view the acupuncture points as places that stimulate nerves, invigorating the body’s natural pain fighting and healing processes.”

There are many common ailments treated with acupuncture including pain relief, allergies, chronic inflammatory conditions, and even sleep disorders. Research also supports acupuncture in helping to support stronger immune and nervous systems. Here are five health benefits of consistent acupuncture treatments.

Stress Relief

With the pandemic and all the changes in the world over the last couple of years, people are desperately looking for ways to reduce the stress in their lives. Acupuncture helps to restore energy and balance by triggering nervous system responses to stress. Research has found that acupuncture lowers stress hormones and improves the mood to help reduce the feeling of anxiety. 

Reduced Pain

Acupuncture is often used to supplement other medical treatments or as an alternative to a standard pain treatment option. After an acupuncture treatment, patients often find relieve lasting from several hours to even weeks post-treatment, depending on the severity of the condition. Research has shown acupuncture to be effective for chronic pain conditions like migraines, arthritis, back and neck pain, and even TMJ. Adding consistent treatments helps you keep the pain under control in a natural and pharmaceutical-free way. 

Improved Neurological Health

Mental clarity throughout the day can be a challenge sometimes. The brain fog that can come from stress, poor diet, pain, or other health issues can rob us of productivity. And there are other neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s which can be life altering. Clinical research has shown that acupuncture can improve language and motor skills in patients with neurological issues. 

Improved Digestion

Many people today suffer from heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and other digestive challenges. Believe it or not, when your digestive system isn’t working properly it can have an impact on your overall health. As mentioned previously, acupuncture seeks to establish balance throughout the body and this includes balance in the digestive tract. Consistent acupuncture treatments can help regulate digestive health, thus bringing relief from common issues. You don’t have to live with these types of digestive struggles, regular acupuncture can help!

Better Sleep

A final benefit to regular acupuncture is improved sleep. Now that your stress is less, you are in less pain, your mind is clear and your digestion is on track, it only seems logical that your sleep will improve dramatically. Should you suffer from insomnia or another sleep disorder, acupuncture has been proven to relieve the underlying issues that could be causing the disruption to your sleep. Ask your acupuncturist about the five specific points that just might help you get your sleep schedule back on track. 

If you are looking to achieve better overall balance in your life, consistent acupuncture treatments just might be the solution you are looking for. Call today and get your wellness journey back on track! 

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5 Acupuncture Points to Help You Sleep Mon, 18 Oct 2021 15:00:25 +0000

According to the American Sleep Association (ASA), approximately 50-70 million Americans suffer from some type of sleep disorder. The ASA reports that insomnia is the most common specific sleep disorder, with short term issues reported by about 30% of adults and chronic insomnia by 10%. Getting enough sleep is critical to overall health

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5 Acupuncture Points to Help You Sleep

According to the American Sleep Association (ASA), approximately 50-70 million Americans suffer from some type of sleep disorder. The ASA reports that insomnia is the most common specific sleep disorder, with short term issues reported by about 30% of adults and chronic insomnia by 10%. Getting enough sleep is critical to overall health and massage therapy is a great drug-free, effective, and safe option to treat a variety of physical issues that could be impacting sleep quality.

Specifically, insomnia is defined as the inability to fall or stay asleep. It is considered acute when it lasts for several days or chronic when it can last up to several months. Some people suffer from what is called primary insomnia which is defined as having no identifiable cause. Secondary insomnia is defined as related to a specific cause or condition.

If you suffer from insomnia or another sleep disorder, acupuncture can help relieve many of the underlying issues that could be causing the disruption to your sleep. Your acupuncturist will do a full health history to see what issues you might be dealing that are contributing to the sleep issues. And there are actually five acupuncture points that can help. These aren’t the only points your acupuncturist might use, but they are the most common.

The first point, A Mian, translates to “sleep peacefully,” and is a set of points that are actually referred to as “extra” points, which means they are not on any of the meridians. A Mian is primarily used to help achieve restful sleep.

The second point is Stomach 36 (ST36), also known as Zu San Li or Leg Three Mile and is a widely used point for rejuvenation, longevity, and vitality. This point is used to bring a balance of Qi back to the patient which is important in regulating blood flow which can also impact sleep.

The third point is Pericardium 6 (PC6), also known as Inner Pass or Nei Guan. It is utilized to treat irritability, insomnia, palpitations, and anxiety, in addition to other issues. You might be familiar with this point if you suffer from motion sickness as it is often used to decrease vomiting. Utilizing this point is said to quiet the heart and calm the spirit which could help you sleep!

The fourth point is Heart 7 (HT7), also known as “Spirit Gate” or Shen Men and it is specific to sleeping disorders like insomnia. It is also used to address irritability, dementia, sleep apnea, and palpitations, among other issues.

The fifth most common point used to treat insomnia is Yin Tang, another extra point not located on a meridian. It is also known as the “third eye” as it sits right in the middle of the eyebrows. This point is particularly effective for migraines and insomnia.

Acupuncture is a wonderful drug-free and effective option to treat insomnia and the underlying causes of various sleep disorders. Don’t endure another sleepless night and groggy day. Call me today and make an appointment so you can get the rest you need tonight. 

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You’re Getting Sleepy… Mon, 07 Dec 2020 16:00:01 +0000

Enjoying Naps in the Winter Season

Most mammals are polyphasic sleepers, meaning that they sleep for short periods throughout the day. For humans, days are divided into two distinct periods, one for sleep and one for wakefulness, which is a monophasic sleep pattern. However, this may be a product of living in an industrialized world and not the

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Enjoying Naps in the Winter Season

Most mammals are polyphasic sleepers, meaning that they sleep for short periods throughout the day. For humans, days are divided into two distinct periods, one for sleep and one for wakefulness, which is a monophasic sleep pattern. However, this may be a product of living in an industrialized world and not the natural sleep pattern of humans. In many cultures, young children and elderly take naps midday. Our bodies are programmed for two periods of intense sleepiness a day: between 2 and 4 am and 1 and 3 pm. Unfortunately, despite our biological vestige, we are having to consolidate our sleep into one long period.

Several short sleep periods are common among most mammals. There is solid scientific evidence napping lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke, excessive weight gain and diabetes as well as reducing stress.

A short 20-minute midday nap boosts mental alertness, mood, productivity, and sharpens motor skills. Naps up to 45 minutes can sometimes include REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, which enhances creative thinking and sensory processing. If you need to spring into action upon waking, keep your nap below 45 minutes.

Naps can be categorized in three ways:

Planned napping: Taking a nap before you actually get sleepy. This is also called preparatory napping. You may use this technique as a mechanism to ward off getting tired earlier or when you know that you will be up later than your normal bedtime.

Emergency napping: Taking a nap when you are suddenly very tired and cannot stay awake to continue with what you were doing. This type of nap can be used to combat fatigue while using heavy and dangerous machinery or drowsy driving.

Habitual napping: Napping at the same time each day.  A person might take a short nap after lunch every day or young children may fall asleep at about the same time each afternoon.

Tips for Getting the Perfect Nap

  • First off, get over the stigma that you are being lazy for taking a nap. Recognize that napping will make you more productive and more alert after you wake up. Napping isn’t for the lazy or depressed. Bill Clinton, Lance Armstrong, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Edison are/were known to be afternoon nappers.
  • Avoid consuming large quantities of foods that are heavy in fat and sugar or caffeine, which can interfere with your ability to fall asleep. Instead, choose foods high in calcium and protein, which promote sleep.
  • Find a clean, quiet place where passersby and phones won’t disturb you, preferably where you can lie down.  It takes about 50% longer to fall asleep sitting upright.
  • Darkness stimulates melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone. Try to darken your room, or wear an eyeshade.
  • Body temperature drops when you fall asleep. Raise the room temperature or use a blanket.
  • Set your alarm for the desired duration to prevent oversleeping.

Notes on the Negative Effects of Napping

Napping isn’t always the best option for everyone in spite of its benefits. Naps that last more than 20 minutes can leave people with sleep inertia, a feeling of disorientation, and grogginess that last for half an hour or more.  Especially for those who are sleep deprived, post-nap impairment, and disorientation can be more severe.

Another downside of daytime napping is that it may have a negative effect on other sleeping periods. A nap longer than 45 minutes or taken too late in the day may adversely affect the length and quality of nighttime sleep. If you usually have trouble sleeping at night, a nap may only aggravate this problem.

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How to Stay Healthy As Winter Changes to Spring Mon, 16 Mar 2020 15:00:43 +0000

For most people, the change of seasons from winter to spring is something to look forward to. But it also means a time when people tend to get sick or seasonal allergies start to flare up. This can make things miserable for a lot of people. As the weather fluctuates between freezing cold and warmer, sunnier days, it

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For most people, the change of seasons from winter to spring is something to look forward to. But it also means a time when people tend to get sick or seasonal allergies start to flare up. This can make things miserable for a lot of people. As the weather fluctuates between freezing cold and warmer, sunnier days, it also wreaks havoc on our immune system and our sleep. Frequently, our bodies can’t keep up with the constant changes and we get physically run down. But there are some things everybody can do to help during the time of transition from one season to the next.

One of the most common things we hear during this transition time is to stay warm.  This may seem like common sense, but so many people who are sun worshippers just waiting for the warmer days to return, forget this bit of advice as soon as the days start to warm a little. By wearing less clothing or clothing that is not as heavy and warm, we make ourselves susceptible to illness. Even if it’s warm out, you still need to dress appropriately. Save the shorts for a little later in the season.

Another way to stay healthy during the changing seasons is to make sure that you’re getting enough sleep. This is another common sense statement, but with longer hours of daylight, many people’s sleep cycles become disrupted. This can cause the immune system to become compromised, making it easier to get sick or for seasonal allergies to flare up.

A study from the National Institute of Health showed that dry winter air allows cold and flu viruses to survive longer and transmit more easily once everything starts to warm up.  With this being said, hydration is important. If dry air makes it more convenient for germs to remain dormant, then flushing them out by keeping your body hydrated is a great way to avoid an infection.

Eating according to the seasons is very important too. As the weather gets warmer, most people gravitate towards healthier food options in an effort to lose some of the winter weight. For spring, eating lighter, more natural foods will actually give the liver a chance to repair itself and that alone can help us feel more energetic and improve our clarity of thought. The immune system also functions better when excess sugar and dairy are removed.

Acupuncture is another great tool that can help make the transition from winter to spring easier. Acupuncture can balance the body as it reacts to the changes in the weather and activity levels. Regular acupuncture treatments have also been shown to boost immunity. Spring can also cause flare ups associated with seasonal allergies and acupuncture treatments can help with the inflammation, sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes that accompany the allergic reactions.

Contact me to learn more about how Chinese Medicine can promote greater health.

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Positive Side Effects of Acupuncture Mon, 06 Nov 2017 16:00:20 +0000 During an initial session of acupuncture, most practitioners begin with an extensive health intake that goes over all of the systems in the body. We use this to determine certain patterns of imbalance, allowing us to treat the root cause of issues. This is one way we differ from Western medicine.

I have learned throughout the years when

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During an initial session of acupuncture, most practitioners begin with an extensive health intake that goes over all of the systems in the body. We use this to determine certain patterns of imbalance, allowing us to treat the root cause of issues. This is one way we differ from Western medicine.

AcupunctureI have learned throughout the years when someone makes an appointment to deal with their pain, this is all they are concerned about. I understand completely. If I pulled a muscle in my back and went to a doctor who gave me medication to help with digestion, I would be confused and annoyed he wasn’t dealing with the issue I came in with. So, when I see patients, I focus on their presenting issue. I know once this problem has resolved, they will likely see other beneficial side effects from the treatment, such as:

  • A reduction in stress or anxiety. Acupuncture is incredibly calming, and when you get acupuncture on a regular basis, that feeling of peace and well-being tends to become your new norm. Life’s little stresses just seem easier, somehow.
  • You don’t get sick as often. Acupuncture boosts the immune system, and patients who come consistently often comment on having fewer colds and illnesses throughout the year.
  • Better sleep. I’ve had some of the best night’s sleep of my life after a session. It promotes a deep, restorative sleep that can’t be matched by anything else I have tried. Acupuncture is very effective for insomnia, but even those without sleep issues look forward to a fantastic night’s sleep after a treatment.
  • Less painful periods. When the blood and energy of the body flows as it should, pain and stiffness disappear. Acupuncture moves the blood, lessening cramps and even alleviating the symptoms of PMS.
  • Happier digestion. Again, acupuncture is moving, so it creates movement within the digestive tract too. If you are prone to constipation, this medicine can get you unstuck. And if you fall on the other end of the spectrum and suffer from frequent or loose bowel movements, acupuncture can help to regulate that as well.
  • More energy. When your body is in balance, you have the appropriate amount of energy to get through your day without dragging. Patients who get treatment regularly tell me that they feel more energized and alert throughout the day.
  • Increased fertility. Studies have shown getting regular acupuncture increases your chances of getting pregnant. It regulates the hormones and lowers stress levels.
  • Better relationships. I know it sounds strange, but hear me out. Acupuncture helps to regulate the emotions. It can vent your anger, ease your grief and help you to let go of negativity you’ve been holding on to. Irritated or frustrated? Try a treatment. You will immediately feel those emotions slipping away. When your negative feelings begin to transition into a lighter, calmer place, you will connect with people around you in a very different way.

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Five Ways to Alleviate Insomnia Mon, 07 Nov 2016 20:00:25 +0000 Insomnia is a phenomenon almost everybody experiences at some point in their life; and most of us don’t know how or why it happens. Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling asleep, despite being tired. Combatting insomnia may be easier than you think. Here are five simple ways to fall asleep faster and stay asleep all night.

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blog-img-five-ways-to-alleviate-insomnia_640Insomnia is a phenomenon almost everybody experiences at some point in their life; and most of us don’t know how or why it happens. Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling asleep, despite being tired. Combatting insomnia may be easier than you think. Here are five simple ways to fall asleep faster and stay asleep all night.

Turn off your phone

In today’s society, we are almost surgically attached to our phones, iPads, laptops, etc. And while the devices keep us informed and connected, they are also harm us when it comes to our sleep. Smartphones and other gadgets emit blue wavelengths. These wavelengths suppress the production of melatonin in our bodies. Melatonin is a natural hormone that makes you feel sleepy. Also, the light given off by your devices can actually stimulate the mind, thus causing poor sleep.

So as difficult as it may be, buy a regular alarm clock and turn off the phone.

Keep a sleep schedule

Sleep is just as important to proper health as eating healthy, wholesome foods; in other words, make sleep a priority. You don’t have to give up dinner with friends or that periodic concert, but staying out late every single night will eventually take its toll. Make a sleep schedule and do your best to stick to it.  Lack of sleep has been proven to increase blood pressure, depression, weight gain and stress.

Once you set your sleep schedule, your body will react favorably.


How many of us groan when we hear the word “meditation”? Meditation really isn’t difficult but people constantly tell themselves it can’t be done because they can’t shut off their minds. What most people don’t realize, however, is that the goal of meditation is not turning off your mind or your thoughts; meditation helps you cope better while telling your sympathetic nervous system to relax. When the thoughts come in, you should acknowledge them but do not dwell on them. That’s what meditation helps you do.

There are many different types of meditation. For beginners, guided meditation tends to work best because you are listening to somebody guide you through the journey; I’m happy to suggest some guided meditation CDs for you.

Bedtime Yoga

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that combines physical exercise, mental clarity and spiritual beliefs all rolled into one discipline. Bedtime yoga poses are very low-key and quite simple. Utilizing yoga just before going to bed can signal to your brain that slumber time is approaching. Poses such as forward bends, happy baby pose, cross-legged bends and corpse pose all have been shown to help the body prepare for restful sleep. (For those who are a little more skilled, inversion poses like shoulder stands can help alleviate stress and calm the mind).


Stress creates imbalances. Acupuncture works with your own body to help bring it back into balance. Acupuncture needles are strategically placed on points that will calm the mind, balance hormones and settle the nervous system. Most people will notice some change after just one treatment, but to get the full effect and truly eliminate insomnia, you should commit to several treatments.

There are many other ways to fight insomnia, but these are some of the best. Give these five methods a try and then focus on the ones that resonate with you. Over time, your body and mind will thank you (and there won’t be any harsh side effects!)…just good sound sleep. Sweet dreams!

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How to Prepare For Seasonal Affective Disorder Mon, 17 Oct 2016 15:00:40 +0000 When the seasons change you have to be ready for a change in mood, especially as we move from fall into winter. Although it may not seem as drastic of a shift as you think, it matters more to our mental and physical states than you may know. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is estimated to affect around 10 million Americans

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When the seasons change you have to be ready for a change in mood, especially as we move from fall into winter. Although it may not seem as drastic of a shift as you think, it matters more to our mental and physical states than you may know. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is estimated to affect around 10 million Americans a year, and this isn’t even the full number of reported cases.

As we begin to lose the summer sun and transition into the darker months of the year, depression and fatigue seem to make that transition with us. There are, however, ways to shake off the impending gloom and brighten your day; if you follow some of these steps you can combat seasonal affective disorder and find yourself being just as happy as you are in the warm summer months.


Try light therapy. Doctors have called this idea “phase shifting”. As we lose sunlight so quickly heading into the winter, you should start setting out full-spectrum lights when beginning your day. By eating breakfast and starting your daily routine under full-spectrum indoor lights, you get used to not having sunlight and can better acclimate to your new surroundings.

Exercise. Exercise. Exercise. Regular exercise works wonders for depression in general. Maintaining regular exercise habits can work to get rid of the fatigue, depression and tiredness associated with SAD.

These next two ideas go hand in hand, as both work together to not only combat SAD, but promote a healthy lifestyle.

Maintain a heart-healthy diet and get plenty of sleep. You would be surprised at the amount of people who do not follow both or one of these guidelines; I’m sure you know someone who fits into those categories. Make sure to maintain a regular sleep schedule while keeping up with a heart-healthy diet in order to fight seasonal affective disorder.

Last, but not least, try acupuncture! Acupuncture is a great solution to combating SAD. There are various points on the body that have been known to alleviate symptoms of SAD. I generally recommend patients start acupuncture treatment once per week, at least one month prior to the time that they typically begin to experience SAD symptoms.

Trying some of these techniques can really help you in the battle with seasonal affective disorder this winter.

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Ways to Keep Your Memory Sharp Mon, 02 May 2016 15:00:48 +0000 Don’t forget about physical exercise

Believe it or not, when you’re exercising your body, you’re exercising your mind as well. Aerobic exercise gets your blood pumping, which increases the oxygen going to your brain and lowers your risk of disorders such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease that can lead to memory loss. If you can, start with some exercise in

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Don’t forget about physical exercise

Believe it or not, when you’re exercising your body, you’re exercising your mind as well. Aerobic exercise gets your blood pumping, which increases the oxygen going to your brain and lowers your risk of disorders such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease that can lead to memory loss. If you can, start with some exercise in the morning. This can clear your head right off the bat to stay focused and alert during the day. Exercises that require coordination are especially helpful for keeping the mind active such as simply throwing a ball back and forth.

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Make sure you’re sleeping

Sleep is one of the best ways to make sure your brain and memory are in tip-top shape on a daily basis. To get the most out of your sleep, aim for 7.5-9 hours every night. Make sure to shut off the electronics at least an hour before bed to help the mind shut off as well. Try to limit your caffeine and alcohol intake earlier in the day. Both can result in a shallow sleep.

Keep your brain stimulated

Research has shown that keeping mental stimulation as we age is very important for lowering the risk of dementia. Stay social, interact with others, learn new skills, play mind-exercise games like crossword puzzles or Sudoku. Interacting with others and continuing to learn is vital for keeping the brain healthy at any age.

Be aware of your stress

Chronic stress can not only make someone miserable, but also cause serious long term effects. Stress over time has been shown to destroy brain cells and damage the area of the brain that creates new memories and recalls past ones. To avoid memory loss, minimize your stress. Don’t take on too many tasks if they overwhelm you, sometimes it is ok to say no. Make sure you have outlets to relieve stress whether it is physical exercise, acupuncture or talking with someone about your frustrations.

Don’t forget about your superfoods

Certain superfoods have shown to be significant in preventing memory loss. Make sure to get your fruit and vegetable servings in; many are filled with antioxidants that help protect your brain cells. Eat more foods with omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, tuna and foods cooked with olive oil. Green tea is another option that has powerful antioxidants to protect from brain damage.

Your memory is important at any age. Start incorporating these healthy habits to keep a strong memory for years to come.


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