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Tag Archives: autoimmune disease

Going Green On The Inside

Wind generators, solar power, geothermal heat, natural cleaning products, organic clothing…there are seemingly endless means by which to shrink your carbon footprint and lessen your impact on the environment.

But while our planet manages to garner heavy doses of TLC, there continues to exist a large dumping ground for dangerous toxins, chemicals, and man-made impurities: our bodies.

Increasingly we

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Acupuncture is Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammatory diseases and conditions cause many people stress and discomfort in their daily lives and most turn to pharmaceuticals; a lot of people however don’t think about acupuncture.

Continuing research and study has shown acupuncture to be an effective way of treating inflammatory diseases such as asthma, rhinitis and rheumatoid arthritis among other painful conditions. Acupuncture

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